Dear staff,  
As I know you all appreciate, there have been many meetings and a lot of hard work done to co-ordinate the provision of critical care on PEI over the next several weeks as we face a shortage of physicians, respiratory therapy, and nursing staff. 

I want to acknowledge that this process is not easy on staff; this is a major change and adaptation as we work through our staffing realities, which can change daily. It can feel uncertain for everyone involved. Please know that your efforts are beyond appreciated.  

It is our understanding that we have been able to secure enough staffing to maintain our current level of service at PCH into next week. Thank you, everyone, including frontline staff, physicians, IEMS and union partners, who are making this happen.

Over the next week, we will be reducing the acuity of patients, specifically those who are considered IMCU, being admitted to the PCH for the immediate term. 

Resources are being aligned to ensure each site has the appropriate staffing mix to provide the care required including two additional ICU beds at the QEH.

Our Health PEI Executive Emergency Operations Centre and local site Emergency Operations Centres at PCH and QEH will be working closely with staff and physicians over the next several days to finalize details of how care will be adjusted. 

This level of care is complex and requires physicians and staff from across the province to work out how it will be delivered safely.  

Safe transport for critically ill patients will be provided with expert guidance from critical-care-trained physicians and staff and Island EMS. 

Looking forward 

I want to reiterate that these plans are temporary until we can recruit and rebuild critical care service at PCH and support critical care across the province. There are positions posted for all critical care staff and active recruitment is happening. We also have several interested candidates for Internal Medicine positions in Summerside.   

We will continue to update you frequently as plans evolve. 

Thank you,  


Please send questions, comments, or submissions for these notes to, subject line “CEO Notes”.

Last Updated