Abegweit First Nation

Full time Mental Health and Addictions Clinician: 

This role entails individual counseling (CBT, Mindfulness, and Trauma Informed), collateral interviewing, group education sessions, referrals to external supports, etc.

Mental Wellness Information Sessions: 

Abegweit Wellness Centre hosts monthly information sessions, covering various mental health topics.

  • A dedicated psychiatrist provides monthly psychiatric clinics at the Abegweit Wellness Centre. 
  • A part-time Mental Wellness Nurse serves as homecare nurse and does outreach with older adult population.
  • Community Health Representative (CHR) provides liaison support work with community and health professionals. She is also the Elder on the team, providing cultural education, Mi’kmaq language classes, etc.
  • There are two certified ASIST trainers and provide ASIST workshops to community members and neighbouring communities.
  • A clinician holds AA every Thursday night from 8-9 p.m. at the Abegweit Wellness Centre in Scotchfort, PE.


CISM WAMPUM Training for Abegweit professionals and community members (November 2018).


Lennox Island First Nation

Health Centre
Telephone:  902 831 2711
Toll free:  1-833-331 7618
Contact:  Tammy Arsenault, Mental Health Lead, t.arsenault@lennoxisland.com

Lennox Island Health provides the following Mental Health Services:

  • A full-time mental health social worker
  • A dedicated psychiatrist who provides ½-day psychiatric visits on a monthly basis
  • Mental health walk in clinic available one day per week
  • A psychologist providing one to one support for anger management as well as other mental wellness support for adults, children and youth one day per week
  • An Indian Residential School Survivor’s outreach program
  • HELP (Home Enhancement Life Skills Program) group for adult men and women
  • Grade seven transition group, various youth groups, cultural teachings, music and suicide prevention activities 
  • Cultural teachings
Last Updated