CEO Message: Building and Accelerating Implementation to Support Healthcare Delivery - Our New Transformation Office

Hi everyone,
Since my first day at Health PEI, I have met with staff and partners across Health PEI and the Island. From those meetings, I can say one thing is clear: we’re united in our goal of excellence in the delivery of healthcare, and we have excellent people right here doing that work.

What is also clear is that added supports and tools are needed to enable us to keep pace with change and achieve our goals. We have done and are doing so much to improve the health system and we need additional investments to build on our momentum. More capacity will help us to accelerate and deliver the changes needed to improve access to quality healthcare for every Islander.

For that reason, I’m excited to share some important news.

We're building a new Transformation Office to provide focus and support our key goals moving forward.  To help accelerate this capacity, we have engaged the support of KPMG, a leading global consulting firm with deep experience creating this capacity in healthcare systems.  They will be working closely with us for next 16 weeks, helping to co-develop our new Transformation Office, beginning today and continuing until October.

While the teams will interact with people across the system, they will have a central office at Health PEI on Garfield Street.

What is a Transformation Office?

A Transformation Office (TO) is a central unit that supports prioritization, management, and decision-making for large-scale system priorities and projects. It's a common feature in large organizations with complex projects competing for resources, like ours.
Our TO will play a critical role in ensuring the successful implementation of key initiatives by:

  • Accelerating progress toward key objectives and ensuring initiatives move forward at pace.
  • Building momentum, ensuring sustainability and capability building are fully integrated.
  • Managing the priorities and coordinating across the system.
  • Monitoring and tracking progress, to align priorities and report on key indicators.

Building Our Capacity

We're currently assembling a dedicated team for the TO, which will be filled with full-time staff. Recognizing the importance of best practices and swift implementation, we're leveraging KPMG's expertise during the initial setup phase. This combined effort ensures a solid foundation for success.

This team will initially report directly to my office.

Early Pillars of Work

The TO will initially focus on supporting five key priorities: 

  • Workforce Recruitment: Streamlining and redesigning our recruitment processes with the goals of focusing on our highest need areas,  attracting and retaining top talent, and reducing inefficiencies and delays in the current processes.
  • Patient Medical Homes: Developing methods to guide the planning and commissioning of new Patient Medical Homes (PMH) and Neighborhoods across PEI to rapidly increase the number of Islanders attached to a PMH.
  • Patient Registry: Reviewing and improving the existing Patient Registry for unattached patients in the province with the goals of improving data quality, better understanding patient needs, providing access to care, and ultimately ensuring a clear path to attachment.
  • Learning Health System: Preparing for the establishment of our new medical school and fully incorporating learners and a learning health system philosophy into our health system.  
  • Organizational Capacity: Strengthening our ability to deliver on the priorities of Health PEI through investments in the right skills and supports to help our organization thrive.

These pillars will be instrumental in building the organizational capacity we need to not only achieve our current priorities but also excel in future endeavors. As we build internal capacity we will identify and accelerate the delivery of additional priorities.

Opportunities for Engagement

The TO development and ongoing work will be a collaborative effort. We'll be seeking opportunities for engagement across all departments and levels to ensure everyone has a voice in shaping its direction and leveraging its support.

I do have one ask: treat this team like you would any other Health PEI colleagues!

Share information, be forthcoming, and engage in the process of setting up this new team! We’re all in this work for the right reasons and in this together.

Our Overarching Goal: Excellence in Healthcare Delivery

By establishing the TO, we're taking a significant step towards ensuring the successful implementation of key priorities and setting ourselves up to have the capacity to deliver more effectively going forward, ultimately leading to excellence in healthcare delivery.  As we move forward on this journey over the next weeks and months we will be working to make sure we all have the support we need do our jobs efficiently and effectively.
We look forward to sharing more updates about the TO in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, please dont hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you,