June 2023, the PEI Colorectal Cancer Screening Program moved to a one-sample FIT testing to screen for blood in stool.

Note:  If the kit was completed with the Program and tested positive (blood was found in the stool): 

The client will receive a letter in the mail, and a member of the Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Navigation team will contact the client to:

  • Provide a telephone health assessment
  • Set up a colonoscopy appointment if appropriate
  • Provide bowel prep and procedure information, if appropriate

If you have any questions, call 1-855-733-0762 (toll-free) to speak with a member of the navigation program team or email crnavigation@ihis.org


Colorectal Cancer Screening – Clinical Practice Guidelines 2023 (available on the PDMS website, log-in and search)

Resources Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Navigation Program


Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Navigation Program Update November 25, 2022 Recording

Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Navigation Program Presentation November 25, 2022 PDF

Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Navigation Memo, August 2022 PDF

Colonoscopy Preparation, please check the ENDOSCOPY website on www.princeedwardisland.ca

Colonoscopy Patient Brochure PDF French PDF

Nova Scotia Health Care Directive: Management of Anticoagulant & Antiplatelet Therapy in the Colon Cancer Prevention Program PDF

Diabetes - Adjusting Medication for Colonoscopy PDF

Resources Colorectal Cancer Screening Program

Order sheet for FIT kits or Guidelines PDF

Decision Aid for Colorectal Cancer Screening PDF

Colorectal Cancer Screening Pathway  PDF

Colorectal Cancer Screening Pathway for Reception Desk  PDF

Get Screened for Colorectal Cancer Today Brochure PDF  French PDF

Lab Memo - Change in Fit Collection Device, February 2023PDF


Report on Cancer Statistics in Prince Edward Island: Colorectal Cancer 2019 PDF


Pink FIT Request Consent Form (client) Call 1-888-561-2233 for delivery

Primary Care Providers

As a primary care provider, you are the first point of access for offering screening to average risk individuals 50 to 74 years of age, and for identifying patients at increased risk.  Your role in Colorectal Cancer Screening Program (CCSP) includes:

  • Risk assessment: Determining which screening method is right for each patient.  FIT screening is the first choice for average risk individuals 50 to 74 years of age.  Individuals who are at increased risk, for example those with a first degree member (parent, sibling, child) who have had colorectal cancer should be referred for a colonoscopy at the age of 40 years, or 10 years earlier than the relative’s age at diagnosis, whichever occurs first.
  • Testing: Dispensing the program branded FIT kits.
  • Ongoing care: Integrating colorectal cancer screening into patient care.  A personalized message from a primary care physician to a patient can be the most effective recruitment method to organized screening.
  • Talk about it: Discussing colorectal cancer screening with your patients at their next appointment.
  • CCSP provides a patient consent form (pink) for participants.  A laboratory requisition is not needed for CCSP participants at the ages of 50 to 74.

FIT Screening

Fecal immunochemical test (FIT) is available for average risk individuals who are 50 to 74 years old.  Primary care physicians play a key role in dispensing CCSP branded FIT kits.  Participants can use the kit at home and then drop it off at a hospital laboratory.

Laboratories send all FIT results to primary care providers, and also to CCSP.

CCSP sends letters to participants about their results – normal/negative, abnormal/positive, or incomplete/rejected.

How to obtain CCSP Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) kits

Primary care providers (family physicians and nurse practitioners) can order CCSP FIT kits from the CCSP office below.

Check your current inventory of FIT kits to ensure that they are not expired or about to expire.

CCSP office – Four Neighborhoods Health Center, 152 St. Peters Rd, Charlottetown, PE, C1A5P8
Kits can be ordered by phone 902-368-5901, toll-free by phone 1-888-561-2233, by fax 902-368-6936 or email colcerscreening@ihis.org 

Colonoscopy Referral

Primary care providers refer individuals with an increased risk for colorectal cancer for a colonoscopy.  Individuals who are at increased risk can be, for example, those with a first-degree family member (parent, sibling, or child) who have had colorectal cancer.  In this case, individuals can be referred for a colonoscopy at the age of 40 years or 10 years earlier than the relative’s age at diagnosis, whichever occurs first.  

Colorectal  Diagnostic Navigation – Colonoscopy assessment

Since August 29, 2022, the screening program has piloted a Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Navigation Program.

The navigation team directs and supports participants of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Program (CCSP) with a positive Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) by providing telephone health assessments, bowel prep and procedure information, and a colonoscopy appointment if appropriate. One goal of the pilot is to meet the national target of having a colonoscopy procedure within 60 days of a positive fecal test result. 

Primary care providers continue to receive FIT results from the Provincial Laboratory Services for Colorectal Cancer Screening Program (CCSP) participants. However, they will no longer need to refer CCSP participants who tested positive for blood in stool to an endoscopist for a follow-up colonoscopy.

Following a telephone assessment, the navigation team will communicate to the primary care provider the participant's status and if the participant accepted, declined, or was declined navigation for direct colonoscopy.

Last Updated