Upcoming Mask Fit Testing Clinics
March Mask Fit Calendar - 2025
What is an N95 mask? (Also called an N95 respirator)
N95 masks meet legislative requirements and standards to protect the wearer from specific hazards (airborne) in the workplace. It is approved by NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health). The N stands for non- resistant to oil and the 95 stands for the filter's efficiency when correctly worn. These types of respirators are disposable and come in various sizes and shapes.
What is N95 Mask Testing?
A test to ensure the proper seal of the N95 mask for the wearer.
Employees are also educated on how to properly don (put on) and doff (take off) the mask and how to do a seal check
One size does not fit all.
There are two ways to complete N95 mask testing:
- Qualitative fit test is a pass/fail test that relies on the employee's response to a test agent. The OSHA protocols include saccharin, isoamyl acetate (banana oil), Bitrex and irritant smoke.
- Quantitative fit test measures the adequacy of a respirator's fit by numerically measuring the amount of leakage into the respirator.
Health P.E.I. uses the quantitative method using a specialized Sibata machine, which is C.S.A. approved. It is a highly accurate and efficient method of fit testing and can only be conducted by trained technicians.
What types of situations would require an N95 respirator to be worn?
Generally, situations where there is airborne illness:
- S.A.R.S. (severe acute respiratory syndrome)
- Tuberculosis
- Chicken Pox (Varicella)
- AGMPs (aerosol-generating medical procedures) * when indicated by IPAC
- Bronchoscopes
- Chemotherapy spill
Are all employees fitted for N-95 masks?
Staff who potentially work in an environment requiring an N95 mask need to be tested. For example:
- employees who provide direct patient care to a patient with a suspected or confirmed air borne illness.
- any staff who may need to perform a safe work procedure requiring an N95 mask, such as cleaning the room or area of a suspected /confirmed positive case (see above for examples)
If you have been asked to work in a situation that may require an N95 mask to work safely, speak with your supervisor or/and Occupational Health and Safety Officer to discuss this before performing the work.
What if I have facial hair?
Employees must be clean-shaven where the respirator meets the face. Goatees and moustaches are usually okay, as long as they fit inside the edges of the mask and do not interfere with the seal of the respirator.
The tester will evaluate this on a case-to-case basis.
Note: If you regrow facial hair, in the event that you need to wear the N95, you will need to shave in advance to ensure the mask forms a proper seal for your safety.
Can I eat or drink prior to the test?
Yes, you can eat or drink for the quantitative method of testing.
You must not smoke for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the test.
What happens if I can't complete N95 mask testing?
The fit tester will discuss options with you and you will need to notify your manager or supervisor why testing could not be completed. If there is a health concern, written documentation from your doctor needs to be submitted with your ability/inability to be fitted. If testing could not be completed due to not being able to achieve a good seal with an N95, other options may need to be explored. The fit tester will work with you to resolve the issue.
How long are my mask testing results valid?
N95 mask testing is to be completed every two years. If you have had a significant change in your face (changes in weight, major dental or facial surgery) you need to request a re-fit sooner.
I did not lose or gain weight, do I need a re-test every 2 years?
Yes, Health PEI must comply with the Occupational Health & Safety Act of Prince Edward Island, the Canadian Standards Association, and the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards. Testing is to be completed at least every two years.
How do I know if my N95 mask is on correctly prior to entering the situation?
**The most important part is making sure your N95 mask is on correctly.
You can test this by conducting a fit check.
A Fit check: is to be performed every time the respirator is worn.
- Negative fit check: Cup hands over respirator without excessive pressure. Breathe in sharply. A light collapse of the respirator should be felt with no air leaking in around the face-to-face piece seal.
+ Positive fit check: Cup hands over the respirator. Blow out. A built-up of air should be felt with no air leaking out around the face-to-face piece seal.
How long can you wear a N95 mask?
There is no fixed expiry on N95 masks. It is recommended that respirators be changed if they become wet, interfere with breathing, or are damaged or visibly soiled.
How do I dispose of my N95 respirator?
- Use hand hygiene prior to handling the respirator.
- Carefully remove the straps of the respirator without touching the front.
- Use hand hygiene after handling the respirator.
How will I remember what my N95 mask number and size is?
Once testing is completed a sticker will be placed on the back of your ID badge with your N95 mask number, size, and due date. Stickers are also color coded. Reports are sent to your manager/supervisor showing your current mask status and when you are due to be refitted.
I am allergic to Latex, can I proceed with the fit test?
Yes, all products are Latex free
How do I make an appointment?
Telephone: 902-315-0584 (N95 Tester)
Email: N95appointment@ihis.org
Book an appointment at:
Where does testing take place?
Testing takes place in various locations across the island in various HPEI facilities.
A monthly calendar is sent to staff to notify of where testing will occur each month. The main office is in the lower level of QEH beside the employee health office.
How long will the test take?
The process will take approximately 5-10 minutes, but each individual should be prepared to be with tester for up to 15 minutes.
What happens if I miss my mask fit testing appointment?
Health PEI makes all attempts to accommodate people for their mask fit testing requirements. By not showing up for your appointment, you are reducing another person’s chance to get fit tested on that particular date. If you need to miss your mask fit testing appointment, please contact the Fit Tester at N95appointment@ihis.org or call 902-315-0584 as soon as you can.