Drug Information System Training

Drug Information System (DIS)

The Drug Information System offers on-line, comprehensive, active medication profiles, as well as drug information and drug interaction databases. The system also provides tools and processes to support prescribing, dispensing, compliance monitoring, research, and the formulation of policy regarding prescription medications. The desired outcome of implementing the Drug information System is to enhance the quality of care, facilitate accountability, and promote cost effective usage of medications. 

Training Videos and Documents

Standard View
Training PowerPoint Presentation (watch and read time ~10 minutes)
Training Guide Word Document

Expanded View
Training PowerPoint Presentation
Training Guide Word Document (watch and read time ~ 10 minutes)

Disclaimer about Information Accuracy: The information in the DIS Expanded view regarding drug program enrollment or Special Authorization is ascertained from Pharmacare Integrated Claims System and is intended solely for the purpose of operationalizing PEI Pharmacare. Drug program enrollment or Special Authorization information in the DIS may not fully reflect a client’s drug or program coverage under PEI Pharmacare.

Who can Access the DIS?

Health managers may request access to the DIS by completing and submitting the appropriate access form(s). Which regulated health professions are permitted access to the DIS are outlined in the Health Information Regulations.
•    DIS Access Form (PDF) - Standard and Expanded view
•    DIS Access Bulk Form (PDF) - Standard view only

Related Resources, Policies and Legislation

Users must comply with all relevant legislation, regulations and provincial government and Health PEI policies, including, but not limited to
•    Health Information Act and Health Information Regulations
•    HPEI Privacy and Protection of Personal Health Information Policy
•    HPEI Access, Disclosure and Correction of Personal Health Information Protocol
•    HPEI Disclosure of Personal Information To Law Enforcement Agencies - Without Consent Policy
•    Acceptable Use Agreement for Government  

Resources for Staff 

Resources for Community Pharmacy

Community Pharmacy 

Technical Issues and Support

The DIS portal is only accessible through the PEI government internet network.
If required, please contact ITSS for username, password or technical related issues.  

Email:  servicecentre@gov.pe.ca
Phone Number:  902-620-3600

Last Updated