Cultural Education

Cultural Education Playlist



Some content included in the videos were adapted with permission from Providence Health Care’s “Huddle for Diversity Manual”.

We also acknowledge the individual translated pamphlets that Providence Health Care shared for use that may assist health care staff communicate with persons whose first language may not be English. 

Thank you to the individuals, members of a variety of individual cultural associations that reviewed applicable content of these videos for Health PEI.

Permission to use images from received.




Some content included in the videos were adapted with permission from Providence Health Care’s “Huddle for Diversity Manual”.

We also acknowledge the individual translated pamphlets that Providence Health Care shared for use that may assist health care staff communicate with persons whose first language may not be English. 

Thank you to the individuals, members of a variety of individual cultural associations that reviewed applicable content of these videos for Health PEI.

Permission to use images from received.

Mentoring Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN’s)  

Mentoring IEN’s  E Learning Part 2    

Mentoring IEN’s  E Learning Part 3    

Mentoring IEN’s  E Learning Part 4    


Thank you to Horizon Health New Brunswick for sharing these resources.

Last Updated