The Provincial EMR is Prince Edward Island's province-wide solution for collecting, sharing and utilizing patient information for community healthcare providers. It forms part of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.

Support Contact Information

As a Provincial EMR user, there are many ways to access support:

For support with the Telus Collaborative Health Record (CHR), contact Telus directly
•    Intercom Live Chat (Purple Chat), as well as a Live Voice Chat (accessed through the Live Chat feature), is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.  (except PEI statutory holidays) when you are logged into the system
•    24/7 support is available to customers for emergency purposes by calling 1-888-369-3643, Ext. 6 or by emailing chrsupport@telus.com

For Non-EMR Issues (e.g., hardware, print, scan, connectivity, Dragon Problems)
•    For HPEI Staff in HPEI facilities, email the ITSS Service center at servicecentre@gov.pe.ca or call 902-620-3600
•    If not on the Government Network, contact your IT Provider

For Access Forms (e.g., new user form, change user form, enhancement requests)
•    Please complete the appropriate form (located below) and submit the form to EMR Support at emrsupport@gov.pe.ca

For Training support or Implementation issues/questions (e.g., Multi-Factor Authentication set-up)
•    Please contact EMR Support at emrsupport@gov.pe.ca or your assigned EMR Advisor 

User Request Forms

New user request form PDF

Change user request form PDF

Enhancement request form PDF

Enhancement request guidelines PDF

MHA New user request form PDF

MHA Change user request form PDF

Virtual Training Schedule

EMR Virtual Training Model and Schedule PDF

Standard Operating Procedures

Patient Status and Primary Practitioner fields to support Panel Identification in the Provincial EMR SOP 

Panel Identification and Maintenance One-Pager PDF

Administrative Notes in the Provincial EMR SOP PDF

Encounter Documentation by MOA in the Provincial EMR PDF

Appointment Types in the Provincial EMR SOP PDF




Setting up referrals from the inbox or scanned documents VIDEO

Setting up referral folder filters VIDEO

Sending an internal referral VIDEO

Sending an outgoing referral VIDEO

Managing outgoing referrals folder VIDEO

Triaging referrals and sending accepted, rejected, or additional information required messages VIDEO


Billing Setting VIDEO

Quick Billing, Template and Folder VIDEO

Quick Billing in the CHR PDF

Lab Integration

CHR Genlab Integration Training VIDEO

Reviewing and Managing Gen Labs Quick Reference Guide PDF

Gen Lab Tips-One Pager PDF

Gen Lab Flowsheet  PDF


PrescribeIT  VIDEO

PrescribeIT enabled PEI Pharmacies PDF

EMR View Only Roles

The EMR Program has initiated the roll-out of approved View Only roles across prioritized areas in Emergency Departments and Acute Care as decided by Leadership. Positions and groups will be notified by their managers/leaders when to expect view only roles in their areas and the EMR Program will reach out when accounts are set up. 

Provincial EMR View Only Training VIDEO

Multi-Factor Authentication

How to turn on multi-factor authentication in the EMR

Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication PDF

Setting up MFA in the EMR VIDEO

Additional Resources

EMR Analytics: An Introduction VIDEO

Provincially recommended file names and tags PDF

Provincial EMR Business Continuity Plan Guidelines PDF

QEH Pediatric Clinic Transition to EMR PDF

Changes to Pharmacy Participation in PrescribeIT® in PEI  (January 8, 2025) PDF

Changes to Presenting Issues and Encounter Templates PDF


Last Updated