Nurse Practitioner: CIS Training Materials

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Security and Confidentiality: PDF

Message Centre Manual: Video | PDF

Adding a Procedure: PDF

Assessments:  PDF

Demographic:  Video  | PDF

Histories Tab: PDF

Intake and Output: PDF

MAR Summary: PDF

Med List: PDF

Patient Information:  PDF

Patient Lists - Creating:  Video | PDF

Patient Lists - Filtering in Inpatient Only: PDF

Patient Lists - How to Proxy: Video

Patient Search: PDF

Patient Summary: PDF

Problems and Diagnosis: PDF

Results Review  Video |  PDF


Adding an Addendum PDF

Charting in Error  PDF

Documents Tab/Creating Documents/Folder Types: Video PDF

Printing Using Export PDF

Re-Foldering PDF

Admission Power Plans: Video

Blood Bank Orders: Video | PDF Document 

Communication Orders: PDF

DI Orders: PDF

Diet Orders: Video PDF 

Dose Range Medication: Video

IV Bolus & Continuous Infusions: Video PDF 

Lab Orders: Video PDF 

Medications:  Video

Ordering Care Sets: Video

Order Details: PDF

Order Actions: PDF

Patient Care Orders: PDF

PowerPlans: VideoPDF 

Professional Consult Orders: Video | PDF 



Admission Medication Reconciliation: PPT | PDF  (To watch the PowerPoint slideshow (PPT), you must download the file when prompted)

In Hospital Medication Reconciliation (QEH & HH): PDF

Hospital to Hospital Medication Reconciliation: PDF  

Discharge Medication Reconciliation: PPTPDF  (To watch the PowerPoint slideshow (PPT), you must download the file when prompted)


  • Medication Reconciliation and BPMH: Video
  • BPMH The Patient Interview: Video
  • BPMH Documentation Part I: Video
  • BPMH Documentation Part II: Video
  • BPMH Quiz and Certificate: PDF

Searching for Consults:  Video

Results Review - Searching For:  Video

Searching for a Resuscitation Order:  Video

Searching for the Admitting Physician:  Video

How to Search for Resuscitation Progress Note:  Video

How to Search for Allergies:  Video

Last Updated